It's a snow day - I love snow days. Colorado - specifically Denver area - has the best winter season ever. I love the fact that the sun literally is up the next day - bright with blue skies. Who could ask for a better winter season? I believe that whatever seasonal depression I may have - is not as bad because of the beautiful weather here. This post is not about the weather - it's about keeping my life moving forward and having goals to help me feel like I am accomplishing something. What is that something? Well, really I should be concentrating my time on getting my house organized and clean - and it is - but not the way I really would like it to be. I do have friends that spend afternoons purging the waste and cleaning out closets and re-decorating and re-arranging. Or maybe you work - and just being able to put dinner on the table is the goal for the day. I get that - exhaustion takes over - and all you really want is a bath.
For me - I wanted new fitness goals for 2015. And some would say - why? Aren't you already in pretty decent shape - and feel healthy and strong? Yes, I feel that way. A lot of the time - I need to stop the chitter chatter in my head. Which tends to bend more on the negative side. So, I thought I would enlist help from a trainer from the gym I go to. And this is for me- a way to get new ideas on what I can do differently. I want to be able to do things that I have never done - but I can also do them at home. That's okay to feel like you need a little help - unless of course, you are the expert. And I am no expert - I am pretty ordinary - I like being the student.
Getting ready for a session with trainer - in some new red leggings. February is "red" month.
What I have learned so far has been great - and has helped me learn that unconventional exercises are just as effective as the conventional ones. That paper towels can really get my heart rate up, and pushing a sled with weight is very difficult. Throwing a 14 lb. ball against the wall is a great core workout if you do it over and over again. All you need is a little space. Being happy and positive will spur you to do things you never thought you could.
What I hope to learn from this - is that there are many things we can do inside our homes - and at the gym that don't need to be intimidating. Doing things a bit differently and changing up conventional thinking. Running is not the only way to really get a great cardio workout and that lifting dumb bells is not the only way my biceps will get some definition. Although, I do believe in those methods - I just want different ideas. We like our options - right?