When you decide to really change up things in your world - it can be very motivating. When I first met Kenady - she was to run her first half marathon with my daughter Ella. I got to meet her and knew what a fun, loving, and very loyal friend she would always be to my daughter. I also know that even though they were planning on running the San Francisco half marathon - they also were in college - and living the college way. For example, late nights, parties, eating, parties, school, late nights and parties again. This - as you well know - takes a toll. Especially on your health. Here are her words: "Like most college freshman, I packed on the freshman 15 and fast. When winter semester ended it hit me that bathing suit season was fast approaching. I decided then that I was going to take control and get back in shape. I needed a workout plan that was structured, consistent and had a schedule I could easily follow."
Partnering up with her dad she began to follow Insanity - and started the 3 month plan. "At the beginning, the workout kicked my butt!! You know a workout is hard when those demonstrating can't get through the workout without taking a break. I constantly had to stop to catch my breath, but I did as much as I could. As time went on, the work didn't get easier, but I got stronger. By the end of the program I lost all of the weight and had put on muscle."
Insanity Transformation - following the 3 month plan - Kenady lost the weight - and got stronger for it.
Today she looks and feels amazing and still mixes in Insanity in to her weekly work outs. "Every time I do an Insanity work out I feel challenged and good about myself. I am happy with my healthier, fitter body!"