What is your favorite food - of all time? My husband would probably say licorice candy. He finds great pleasure in those little candies - actually they remind me of your grandpa's candy. However for him - its a little bit of sweetness - its almost like a dessert for him. I cannot for the life of me find any pleasure in something that is pure sugar - and eat it on a daily basis. Yes, I would love to have something that is healthy - but also satisfies those cravings. For me - I want something that is going to put the cravings at rest - and work for me - not against me.
Chocolate is my favorite - truly love all things chocolate. My husband would agree - that on date night - I will go for a chocolate dessert anytime. It really is my guilty pleasure. However, I cannot have a chocolate dessert everyday - not going to happen. "The Healthiest Meal of the Day" - or rather Shakeology - is just that. To name just a few things it does: Reduce cravings, Increase energy, promotes healthy digestion, lose weight, and best of all it is delicious! What is in Shakeology - you ask? Protein and essential acids, prebiotics and digestive enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. - just to name a few.
Ingredients derived from whole-food sources deliver the daily vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs to curb cravings, allowing it to shed stored fat. And more than 20 different antioxidants and phytonutrients help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke.
I have been drinking Shakeology for almost two years and love how I feel internally and externally. I think - just like those licorice candies my husband loves - I need my Shakeology every day.
Chocolate ShakeO and Vanilla ShakeO - sometimes I do put Kale and Blueberries in it or p-nut butter
Come visit me on my Beachbody site - and find out about "the healthiest meal of the day."