It seems that every where you look, read, view, and see - we are struck by a bug. This is the season for the flu-bug, and it is the season for being a ski-bum, but it's also the season to really think about getting the fit-bug. It's not a Fit-bit device that you put on your body, or on your iphone to calculate calories burned and consumed. It's something that you digest as you are wanting, needing health and fitness changes or desires. Every where you turn - especially on my favorite social media site - Pinterest - you will find every type of work out combination to slim, trim, tone, and strengthen your body. And then it's placed in a category. Do you want yoga, cross-fit, weight-lifting, cardio or dancing fitness information? Maybe you feel you need to target just one area of your body. Maybe its abs that you want to chisel or maybe it's your bootie. So much information on how to build a bootie - not a skinny one but a round robust one. Wow!
Working on those beach muscles - my biceps - slowly inching towards my goal.
Then it's on to our eating habits and finding menu's - to help us stay on course - because after all - abs are made in the kitchen, right? You can find every type of clean eating, vegan, vegetarian or paleo diet to help you get back on track and to stay on that track. This can be consuming and overwhelming. Especially for one who is bitten by the fit-bug. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - so many different accounts to view with professionals or just your average person - who all have the fit -bug and are all sharing their ideas. I must admit this all can be overwhelming. I feel that to a certain degree, there are millions of people who are the experts on the fit- bug.
For someone like me or maybe you - we have our own ideas. We want to try them out and hopefully find success and some type of enjoyment out of our activity. For me, I like the buzz and energy of a class room filled with people seeking satisfaction out of a spin class or Insanity class. Or there are times - where there is no time. And I use my own basement as my gym to get my fitness in for the day. I know I have been bitten by this bug - because my day isn't over til I have had a great workout doing something to work up a sweat. Maybe this isn't a big deal to you - but I certainly feel that this bug has taken over.
Getting ready to lift my weights for the day
When I see pictures of my three eldest kids meeting up at the gym at college for their nightly workout - I feel that I have at least taught them to take care of the one body they have been given. I also know that fitness - whatever that looks like to you - helps those happy endorphins that we are all needing or seeking every day. This is just my opinion and how I feel about fitness. Time well spent - even if its only thirty minutes or an hour.
Being bitten by this bug - can only make me happy if my intentions are to help me mentally and physically feel better. It starts to turn ugly if I start the comparing . That is the downside to the fit-bug. I have had many doses of that sprinkled throughout my life - and it takes something away from you. It makes you feel bad and ugly and irritated - and that is the worst part of this bug. I know its all intertwined - so, I try to keep myself around positive minded people who want the same thing. To feel good, strive for better health, work on fitness levels, and to accomplish goals, goals and more goals. Having a goal to work on and to slowly or maybe inch towards can be very rewarding.
Doing one of my favorite lifting workouts from home - Les Mills Body Pump
My fit-bug - as long as I get just a dose of it every day (except Sundays, of course) - keeps me motivated and moving towards goals I have set for myself.