When I first heard the term "dig deep" - I wasn't 100% sure I knew what that meant. Did it mean to dig deep into the recesses of my mind - and to hyper focus? So much so - that I had to really get inside my head? When you attach that phrase with a workout - how do you feel about that? At first I thought - alright, I got this - I can "dig-deep." So, yes the term dig deep came from my Insanity workout dvd's that trainer Shaun T. says - in order to keep the viewer moving toward the finish - meaning the end of the workout.
Now, years later - many years later - the newest Insanity workout is here. It's termed: Insanity Max: 30 (meaning 30 minutes of work). So, in looking at the preview for these workouts I actually got excited. Yes, people are sweaty - but they also look like they are spending 30 minutes of time really working on their fitness level. Sometimes, we let our fears or doubts stand in the way of the hard work and the dig deep moments. Unless their are injuries - dig deep - whatever that looks like to you - should be there.
When I first started these dig deep workouts - I had just turned 40 and needed to shake up the routine I had in place. Years of doing the same thing was not as challenging any more - I was not seeing the results that I had hoped for. I needed a big switch up - but not certain what that was. And honestly, I was excited but a little fearful to start a brand new routine - called Insanity.
Around my 40th birthday - I decided to shake up my workout routine - and see results again.Here is my sweet boy - giving me what I need the most - a hug!!
Shaun T. the creator of Insanity and Insanity Max 30 - One of the best ways to get in to shape.
Dig Deep is to focus on your fitness - whatever that may look like to you. My next challenge will be these workouts - and I must admit I am a little bit excited to get started down another path. I would love for you to join me - the more the merrier!