One of my newest fitness ventures has been yoga. I never really have taken the time to put any thought or effort in to this type of activity. Generally, I am focused on cardio or lifting type fitness - as opposed to going down that yoga path. Last winter/spring I signed up for Hot Yoga at a local yoga studio. Really had no idea what I was in for. The door was closed (literally blocked with yoga blocks - to prevent you from leaving the room) and the heat was turned up - way up! We were in for 1 1/2 hours of poses, holding poses, deep breathing, and lots and lots of sweating. Seriously, hardest 1 1/2 hours of my life. There was to be absolutely NO TALKING - and no drinking water at the inappropriate time - this was so hard. I actually got caught a couple of times - and got a quick lashing from the yoga instructor. I finally decided that right now in my life - is not the time for hot yoga. However, yoga is so amazing and the feeling of being able to hold yourself in almost impossible poses was pretty awesome.
Then came PIYO (Pilates/Yoga) inspired workouts - so its strength meets yoga. The two combined are so well-matched and work in rythm with each other, that now I can't imagine one without the other. Beachbody has come out with this amazing program to be able to promote and introduce core building workouts.
PIYO with Chalene Johnson - such a great combination of yoga and pilates.
The month of November - PIYO is on sale - really is a great time to add it to your workout routine. I am so happy that I can still get my yoga- fix but with a lot of strength moves thrown in. And I don't have be quiet, I can drink my water, and talk - if I want to!
Love PIYO - and love getting your core strong.