If you are happy and complacent with the way life is going - then you are in a good place - so stay there. I am happy with a lot of things right now. My older kids are a little closer to finishing their Junior year in college and one is loving her freshman year of college. My younger kids are well adjusted in their schooling - and now get the hang of their schedules. Don't change a thing - keep moving forward and towards the goal - to finish up the school year (hopefully with grades to put a smile on their face).
I on the other hand am always in a state of "the need to change" - always. Whether it be to work towards a goal to change up my fitness routine, or to read more, eat super healthy, to love more and especially to laugh more. I keep thinking - if you change nothing, nothing will change. Is that a state of restlessness or the need to change it up? I am all for trying new things. It's a new year - so something needs to change. I decided fitness wise that I wanted to use my time wisely with quick workouts - 30 minutes. So, I started with Les Mills Grit Plyo - hardest 30 minutes of my time. However, I was able to keep up with the teacher - which made me feel good inside. When you are my age - it's the little things.
This was our class size- so small - yet so intense. 5:30 am in the morning for this class.
Next physical challenge - Insanity Max 30 which will get you to a state of maxing out within so many minutes. Sometimes I do this and max out at 20 minutes and other times its more like 10 minutes. Either way, I am getting to a point where I have to slow down and catch my breath.
Max out Cardio - was very hard - and had to bring it down after 10 minutes.
My motto can also be applied to my personal and spiritual development - not just physical. I always have a couple of really good personal development books by my bedside - as well as my scriptures that I try, try, try to read daily - as it brings wellness to my life. Next up, I really need to laugh and chill just a little bit more. This truly is a hard one for me - I have a tendency to get very worked up over little things. Not good for my relationships with my close family members. How to change this - when its so ingrained in you? I am pretty sure there is no class to take or dvd to watch to help me with this. I think what it is - is a constant review or check in - with yourself, spouse, family members, and friends. And most importantly - a good attitude! And could I add in - the need to NOT get defensive about your feedback. Because if you change nothing (because of your pride), nothing will change.