I got P90X for my husband when it first came out about 7 years ago - and he gained muscle and toned up pretty significantly. I had heard how hard it was from him everyday when he would go down to our basement and workout. By the time P90X2 came around - this time I was ready for the challenge. That was probably one of the hardest workouts I have done - because balance plays in and a lot of plyometrics (HIIT - method) and let's not forget the weights. P90X3 came into play just when we all needed a quick 30 minute work out because that's all we have time for. And of course, here is the newest Beachbody workout with Tony Horton.
P90X2 - push ups on the balls - yes this was so hard!
Introducing P90 - the on - switch to fitness coming September 23rd. The workouts are only 30 minutes long and it gets people feeling good. This program is efficient and fun - if you've done any of the P90X work outs - there is quite a bit of humor along with the sweating. It makes the time go by fast.
Introducing P90 - The On - Switch to Fitness - very do-able and efficient. On my site - you will be able to purchase these workouts or any other Beachbody work outs. Please check out my Beachbody Shop. Otherwise, www.beachbodycoach.com/cwbezzant is another avenue to check on P90 or any of the other P90X workouts.