For a couple of years now I have been doing the HIIT method when I work out. This isn't easy, it is not your slow and steady - although going at a moderate pace for a time - serves its purpose as well. But I did that for years - I had a lot of injuries doing the same thing for long periods of time. I am aware that I can hurt myself by overusing the same muscles doing the same things. So, I heard about HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) from a friend. She describes this as any workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less intense activity or complete rest. for example: running as fast as you can for one minute and then walking or light jog for two minutes. Its sounds too simple to be effective. This is the ideal workout for any busy person - research shows you can achieve more progress in a mere 15 minutes of interval training (done three times a week) then someone jogging on a treadmill for one hour!
Ella working hard on the treadmill - HIIT training - busting it out quick - then bringing heart rate back down. I'm sorry but she looks very pretty when she works out!
The effect of HIIT is amazing - not only do you burn a lot of calories - but you keep burning for hours after your workout. Here is the thing when you are doing HIIT - you are exerting all of your energy - and you are breathless - and sweating like crazy. It's not pretty - it's hard - but the result is so worth it! These can be done anywhere - you do not need to go to the gym to accomplish this. Yes, I've done this in my spin class or on a rolling staircase - but this can be done by doing jump squats or lunges - jumping rope, running, and burpees - no gym required. The list is endless. This is my favorite way to work out now and then alternate every other day with weights. I'm so glad because who has time to work out for hours?