As we quickly approach September my habits are in place with working out - and I have a plan. I need a plan and I need goals especially when it comes to my workouts and my nutrition. If I have nothing in place or a goal in mind then I drift and I do a lot of mindless snacking. When the 40's hit - and they hit pretty hard - I haven't met a woman or a man who think they can still eat like they are in their 20's or even 30's. I'm sorry to break the bad news about age - but it is a constant battle to keep things in check. And every day activity must happen - any time during your day - even 10 minutes here or there. Ever since I have had my children - my body never "bounced back" without consistent hard work. That was my motivation and goal during those days was to fit in to my clothes again.
When you have a "motivation" then a habit (a good habit) forms and keeps you moving towards your goals.
Now, I'm trying to defy gravity - not easy - trying to work out but not to the point where I will hurt myself. As we age - we are prone to injuries and little tweeks here or there could mean a major problem and can put us down for a while. I have a friend who says that she wants to be spinning (she is a spin instructor) until she is 80 years old - but she wants us all there with her. She teaches us to be safe and not out of control. We can't be out of control - it is just the way it is - we have children, responsibilities, and bills. and life always seems to get in the way.
I have a friend I was talking to about her work outs and she said how difficult it is to keep her eating in check when she works out hard - really hard. I know that feeling of working out hard because I trained for a marathon. I would feel so depleted and starved - I just wanted anything to bring my blood sugar back up. So, here is another little hurdle - the balance - keeping everything in alignment. There is so much to think about - there is something to that saying, "Listen to your body."
Our habits - hopefully will motivate us to move in the right direction - the key is balance and patience.
Some days I don't want to get any older - because I think - its so hard right now. But the reality is - I just need a little patience, motivation, balance and wisdom- to get me to my goals.